Jupyter Notebooks Integration
Genuity Science Python SDK can be used with Jupyter Notebooks and introduces %gor and %%gor magics.
If you are running a session in one of Wuxi Nextcode’s own notebook servers no installation should be required and you can skip to the next section.
However, if you are running your own jupyter server you can install the python sdk in your workspace.
pip install nextcode-sdk[jupyter]
Then you intialize the extension in your notebook after you have received an API key for the server. You will also need a project name that your user account has access to.
%env GOR_API_KEY=****
%load_ext nextcode
Gor magic extension has been loaded. You can now use '%gor' and '%%gor' in this notebook
* Python SDK Version: 0.1.6
* Query API Version: 1.9.0
* GOR Version: 9.4-SNAPSHOT (git SHA 8fc327bb08282d02f9e987e11c4073e64ec77677)
* Root Endpoint: <endpoint>
* Current User: testuser
Getting Started
Now magic syntax should be available. Try it out:
%gor gor #dbsnp# | top 2
Chrom pos reference allele rsids
0 chr1 10020 AA A rs775809821
1 chr1 10039 A C rs978760828
The magic commands return a pandas dataframe object which by default prints out to console and is available through _. You can also assign it directly to a variable
var = %gor gor #dbsnp# | top 2
Chrom pos reference allele rsids
0 chr1 10020 AA A rs775809821
1 chr1 10039 A C rs978760828
… etc.
Please see the included Example Jupyter Notebook page for more examples.