Genuity Science Python SDK
What is it?
Nextcode-sdk is a python package for interfacing with WuXi Nextcode RESTFul services.
These services are not publicly accessible and only available within private installations. Therefore you will not be able to use this SDK unless you work for, or are a client of Genuity Science.
Please contact Genuity Science for additional information.
To install this package you can can either install the raw sdk or include the jupyter dependencies if you intend to run this through jupyter notebooks.
pip install nextcode-sdk -U
pip install nextcode-sdk[jupyter] -U
Note that this package supports Python version 3.6 and higher only.
- Quick Start
- Jupyter Notebooks Integration
- API Reference
- Building queries with the Python SDK
- Simple single-line gor expression
- Single-line gor expression which stores results in local variable
- Simple multi-line gor expression
- Multi-line gor expression which stores results in local variable
- Store results in the user_data folder
- Gor expression which references a local variable
- Gor expression with defs and create statements
- Compound expressions
- Virtual relations
- Cancelling queries
- Initializing the SDK
- Running basic queries
- Analysing failed queries
- Using virtual relations
- Server API Documention
- Developer information
- Running a local workflow
Indices and tables
Genuity Science website, Keep up to date on Genuity Science
IPython website, Learn more about IPython
Genuity Science Python SDK Github page, Download the source code to the SDK.